Sexual Harassment and the Changing Tide as of Our Culture

change compassion consciousness culture darkness empathy energy growth kindness love shadow shift show up speak up speak your truth Jan 10, 2018

I have a lot of thoughts on what's going on right now regarding Hollywood and the overall shifts happening in our culture.

Firstly, I'd like to state that I feel empathy and compassion for everyone who has ever experienced harassment, abuse, or discrimination on any grounds! I send you nothing but love.

Also, I'd like to preface this by saying that in no way do I condone harassment, abuse, or discrimination for any reason.

It is my belief that these actions are manifestations of hurt, pain, fear, and ultimately of separateness and I do feel compassion for those who feel that fear of separateness. This is not to say that this behaviour is ok in any way, shape, or form - it is NOT acceptable behaviour. Period.

Now, I'd like to say something about the judgments that are showing up as our culture shifts into one where this behaviour is spoken about and condemned (as it should be). I believe that compassion must be granted for those who have acted poorly in the past. I believe that compassion must be granted for those who acknowledge the actions of their past and sincerely apologize for those actions. I believe that compassion must be granted for those who are willing to see their mistakes, and recognize their shortcomings and wrong doings.

My concern is that society is blanketing all those who have made mistakes in the past and judging those who are remorseful and those who perpetuate these behaviours puts those who would like to make amends on the defensive - increasing the separation.

My request is that we honor the victims of these behaviours for their courage to come forward, AND we show compassion to those who have acted out of hurt in the past and are willing to accept their wrong-doings and make amends for their actions.

The ultimate goal, as I see it, is to create a world where we all feel loved and seen; where we all feel connected with each other.

Through love and oneness, we will eliminate actions caused by fear, hurt, and separation.

Attention must be brought to these behaviours in order for us to change as a society, AND it's imperative that we allow those who acted incorrectly in the past to feel included in the change so that we can all move forwards together!

Divisiveness and separation will not allow us to progress peacefully.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Fear cannot drive out fear: only love can do that. ~MLK Jr.