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1:1 Soul Guidance

Through Co-Active & intuitive coaching, combined with Human Design & Energy Healing, I guide you to connect with your Inner Knowing, Values, Deep Truths, and Desires.

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Online Courses

These are the tools for you to do the work. Courses are self-paced or live programs (with lifetime access) that guide you to consciously create the life YOU desire.

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Free Tools

Start connecting with your Inner Knowing, gain a deeper understanding of this work, and start your journey of consciously creating the life YOU desire.

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Read my story  ➝

We are all unique. We all know what's correct for us. Sometimes we just need someone to help us remember.

As your Soul Alignment Coach, I am here as your guide along the journey as you realign with your Soul Purpose, acknowledge the limiting beliefs holding you back, reclaim your desires, and consciously create your Soul Aligned Life!

I will meet you wherever you are along your journey and hold both non-judgemental space & accountability for you.

YOU know who you are and what you want. I am here to help you cut through the stories that have told you otherwise.

You are worthy and you can create the life you desire.

Consciously Created

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2022 Energy Message for the Collective

Mar 23, 2022

September Akashic Council Message for the Collective

Sep 14, 2021

Human Design Terms

May 13, 2020