When Your Intuition Speaks choice coaching conscious choice consciousness energy intentions intuition life listen practice Dec 07, 2018

When your intuition speaks, but you're not quite ready to listen to it, that's ok!

There are times when we choose not to listen to that small, quiet voice in the back of our heads. Sometimes we...

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Relearning to Listen to Myself astrology authentic authenticity choice coaching conscious choice consciousness experience human design inner knowing life manifesting generator muscle testing personal growth self love self worth sway testing truth worthiness Sep 23, 2018

I want to say this is "learning" to listen, but in reality, it is a relearning or a returning.

When we are born, when we are young, all we know to do is listen to ourselves. We feel something, and...

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A Life Coach is like a Personal Trainer change choice coach conscious choice consciousness ego elevate goals growth intentions joy life life coach next level life personal development personal growth personal trainer this is your life Jun 24, 2018

You live a good life. Really, it's actually great when you really think about all that you have to appreciate!

You earn a reasonable income (even a great income, when you think about it); you have...

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Reality is what you make it change choice coaching conscious choice consciousness desired life desired reality desires energy experience goals growth it's all practice life reality this is your life May 20, 2018

This is hitting me hard these past couple of weeks: Reality is what you make it!


Think about that for a moment...what does that mean for you?

For me, it means I am experiencing a version of...

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Surprises from the Past 15dayfearslay childhood choice conscious choice consciousness expectations experience growth judgement practice this is my truth Mar 19, 2018

It's taken me a long time to post this. This originated in September 2017. Something hit me during a trip to San Francisco. Something unexpected!

It started on the Wednesday night that I...

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How are you Numb? change choice conscious choice consciousness emotion energy feeling growth habits intention intentions life numb speak your truth stories Feb 18, 2018

How are you numb... In your relationships? In your work? In how you handle your finances? In your body? How are you Numb in Your Life?

I had a weird dream where good people turned into zombie-like...

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Follow what you desire change choice consciousness contrast desire energy experience focus habits intention intuition loa patterns presence Dec 03, 2017

Are you familiar with the non-physical entity Abraham Hicks?

For those of you who are not, a (very) quick introduction to them is this: Abraham is a group of non-physical entities that speak...

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Speak Up: Let Your Voice be Heard change choice compassion consciousness emotion energy growth ilg influence intuition journal prompt love mission passion speak your truth the simply understanding values we are all one Nov 18, 2017

So often I find my throat tight, caught, thick, constricted. Even as I type this, I can feel the constraint closing my throat - holding me back - keeping me silent.

I feel overwhelmed by how much...

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Notice Without Judgement change choice coaching compassion consciousness energy expectations growth habits ilg journal promp judgement kindness life self love Sep 18, 2017

What the F does that even mean!? Notice without judgement?

If you follow me, you know that I talk a lot about noticing. Notice when you fall back into a habit. Notice when you say something that...

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When you don't feel inspired choice connection consciousness environment food growth inspired action life process this is my truth Aug 23, 2017

I'm writing this because I'm not feeling inspired - and I have no idea what will come out! This could get messy.

There are times when I feel a surge of creativity. I have so many ideas and they all...

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Time Management: The whirling hamster wheel choice coaching consciousness life quiet self care silence yoga off the mat Jan 17, 2017

Your alarm goes off, you hit snooze. Your alarm goes off, you hit snooze. Your alarm REALLY goes off. It’s time to drag yourself out of bed…and, you’re off!

Get out the door, get...

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